Fly Fishing Tackle

There is an art and skill to fly fishing, it doesn’t matter which you are fishing, freshwater fly fishing or saltwater fly fishing is an excitement that is a must! But the right tackle is also a must. It would be so sad to just hook your fish that you have had so many patients fly fishing for, just to lose it. Best way to eliminate that problem is to start with the right tackle from the start.
Fresh water tackle will consist of bread pattern flies that Milkfish are caught on. Barramundi will strike on jelly prawns or shrimps. Also used to fly fish are Dahlberg divers, clousers minnows, deceivers, and poppers. You’ll need to use gold, pink and brown flies for the barramundi and green flies for Sooty’s and Perch.
Saltwater Fly fishing you’ll need to use green, blue, pink, and purple of all shades of flies. Deceivers, clouser minnows, billfish flies work well also. A bigger, stronger fly rod is needed as well as strong line for your saltwater fly fishing excitement. Your guide will help you decide which is better for what species you are fishing for. A good Bait and Tackle Shop is also very helpful.
Make a list of all you’ll need for a fabulous day of fly fishing. If you book a charter ask them what they provide which will probably be all you’ll need from tackle to cold storage for your catch. If you’re on your own ask the Bait and Tackle shops they will know what is needed. Have a great fly fishing trip and good luck in catching the BIG ONE!!