Freshwater Fishing in Queensland

The most popular fishing in Queensland Australia is the saltwater variety but there is freshwater fishing that the hiker and the land lovers might like to try. It also has its challenges that will get the angler’s pulse rising.
The Aquaculture Association of Queensland has hatcheries that now stock the area with literally hundreds of thousands of fingerlings. These stockings have been a big success that now has funding for more fingerlings to be stocked each year in Southeast Queensland.
This stocking of fingerlings is now available to farmers to stock the same species in their farm dams. This gives a whole new meaning to a fishing hole right out your back door. AAQ hatcheries are now a new farming venture. This is the farming of Silver Perch for the dinner table for restaurants and private dining. In your exploring the area you may come across one of these farms. If you would like to visit one of these farms you can contact the AAQ to make arrangements.
Native fish that you can put your hook into is Silver Perch, Golden Perch, Australian Bass and Saratogo. All of these species have been successfully stocked and are doing well in this program. Â Stocking take place in the rivers and streams as well as the farmers dams.
Make plans for a little freshwater fishing while visiting Queensland, Australia. Just try to hook that BIG ONE! It will be worth your time and energy to add this to your list of thing to do.