Fishing Rules and Regulations Queensland Australia
All anglers know that there are laws, Fishing rules and regulations in most parts of the world. Fishing in Queensland Australia is no different. These fishing rules and regulations are put into place to keep the fish species alive and to make sure they are not over fished. Species can become extinct if fishermen take more than they are allowed. This has happened in the past. Another thing that can harm a species is if a predatory fish has been introduced into a lake or river and they eat the other species into extinction.
Know the limit of the fish you are fishing for. All cod and groupers are a combined limit of 5. With each species of cod there is a size limit. So check to see which cod or grouper you’re fishing for. For example Greasy rockcod is 38cm minimum and 100cm maximum, Maori cod is 45 cm minimum and Camouflage groupers are 50 cm minimum and 70 cm maximum. This is just a very short list. Check to see which species has limits set on them before fishing. Ignorance of the regulation is no excuse.
There are also protected and no-take species that you have to be aware of. No-takes are exactly what it sounds like. Do not take the species of the fish that are on the no-take list. If you catch one of these species then you need to carefully and immediately return the species to the water. Also each type of waters has their own NO-TAKE species. Fresh Water has Queensland lungfish, Mary River cod, and Spiny crayfish to name a few. Tidal waters have Barramundi cod, Potato cod, and Humphead Maori wrasse.
Protected species mean the species are protected throughout Queensland and there are prohibited from being in anyone’s possession without a permit. Female mud crabs, egg-bearing spanner crabs and eggs- bearing and tar-spot tropical rocklobsters are on the protection list. This also is an incomplete list so make sure you acquire the complete list of protected fish, slipper lobsters, and crayfish as well as sea bugs.
Fisherman does not need a license to fish in Queensland. The exception is fishing in some stocked impoundments. Recreational fishing is permitted in some national parks and marine parks zones. There are some restrictions to specific areas within the park. The rules and regulations do apply to people of all ages.
There are laws, rules and regulations on a number of items, such as , fishing gear, collecting bait, fishing seasons, permits for fishing in dams, and fishing in closed waters to name a few. For all the information you’ll need to be within all the laws, rules and regulations contact Queensland Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. You can download the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide 2012 to 2013. Remember ignorance of the laws is no excuse. Take the time to research all the information you’ll need to be legal and within the law. Even if you have a guide or charter that you have hired you should be aware of all that you’ll need to know for a great fishing adventure.